CAD Training

CAD Training Center in Chennai

CAD Training Center in Chennai

We are a private training center, located in Chennai, which offers training tailored to your profile: whether you are a job seeker, employee, student, etc.

CAD Training in Chennai allows trainees who already have some expertise in the field of design or mechanical manufacturing to perfect themselves. It also acquaints beginners with all the relevant skills and information so as be experts in the field.

The main purpose of CAD Training in Chennai is to develop real business skills for students, particularly in the activities of Industrial Design, Technician of Mechanical Systems, Draftsman of Industrial Studies and Digital Modeling Designer.

All courses of CAD Training in Chennai are available, either in initial training for a period of 6 to 9 months or alternately for a period of 12 to 18 months.

CAD Course in Chennai

At the end of this training, the candidates will be able to:

  • Master high-end 3D CAD software;
  • Have knowledge in spatial geometry;
  • Master the advanced features of high-end 3D plan generation, breakout and assembly;
  • Master the basics of kinematics;
  • Master a Computer Aided Design software, as well as the rules and standards of industrial design;
  • Master the basic functionality of CAD finite element software;
  • Master the basic concepts of operating systems, and computer networks;
  • Master the material and normative concepts of Computer Architecture;
  • Master the basic functions of an office suite, mainly for word processing, spreadsheets and slideshow presentations;
  • Master the collaborative working tools of CAD software when managing study projects;
  • Know how to manage CAD studies projects in collaborative mode;
  • Know how to use PLM tools for the creation, management, dissemination and collaborative use of product definition information in the company, from conception to the end of product life;
  • Know how to install CAD software and related tools, set up working environments, and keep software up-to-date

Professional Outlook

Many people with solid work experience are stuck in their career path because they are not familiar with the CAD software while they need to do their jobs.

The person completing the CAD Training in MIIT Institute, Chennai will have a better command of advanced technologies and will be able to increase their performance in the job market.

An Introduction to Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Any technical system is the combination of functions. The arrangements of such functions, their interactions, the incompatibilities are part of the engineer’s knowledge. When the system is assigned a number too large of parameters, it becomes difficult to control everything. CAD makes it possible to design systems whose complexity exceeds the capacity of the human being as in micro or Nanoelectronics. Virtual design allows global appreciation of the behavior of the object created before it even exists. In CAD, we do not does not draw, one virtually constructs an object capable of reacting in its non-real space according to laws governed by the software. The result, called a digital model, is then a real evolutionary prototype.

The CAD is known to be still in 2019 one of the most resource intensive computing applications computer. After years of mere presence of such software on workstations using operating systems and hardware architectures (Sun, IBM, Computer vision, HP, Apollo, SGI, formerly Silicon Graphics …), it took the development of individual computers (Windows or Mac) powerful enough to perform very heavy functions in numerical computation:

  • Numerical modeling;
  • Mechanical simulation and calculation of materials;
  • Graphic Representation;
  • Plan drawing;
  • Manipulation of 3D objects;
  • Management of large assemblies.

This has made CAD an important application of computing.

Desktop Publishing (CAD), CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) and CAD (Computer Aided Design) are computer-based tools for designing and formatting quality documents. Learning their use allows you to:

  • Follow Photoshop training and learn how to edit photos
  • Choose Illustrator Training to Create High Quality Documents
  • Succeed as a graphic designer and practice this profession
  • Become an industrial designer with CAD training
  • Perfect building designer training
  • Increase the productivity of your business

Due to strong pressures from economic competitiveness, for better (and cheaper) products, the industry is forced to increase the productivity of technical staff. It quickly became apparent that with the help of IT, significant savings are possible for each of the different phases of the design process. I.

  • Model creation.

With the help of CAD systems available on the market, the creation and presentation of an object (part, circuit, etc.) is greatly facilitated. We can also study the object from different angles and make copies at will at different levels of realism (3D view, realistic rendering, assisted technical drawing, model library, import / export in several formats).

  • Analysis.

The characteristics of the object, once created, are immediately available for analysis or simulation programs (finite elements, vibrations, frequency responses ..) and, in return, the user receives the results of these calculations under graphical form or table to assess whether the object conforms to the constraints. III.

  • Modifications.

Following analysis or simulation, changes are easy and quick to incorporate into the computer model. With such a tool, it is possible to consider several solutions and choose the most adequate. As an example, we quote in the automobile industry for the development of a new model.

Bellow is our syllabus for CAD Training in Chennai. This syllabus is designed by professional web developers and trained professors so as to give our trainees all the elements and skills needed in relation to CAD.

Syllabus for CAD Training in Chennai

  • General (definitions, history, benefits of CAD)
  • Theoretical bases for CAD (translation, rotation, symmetry, projections …)
  • CAD modeling principles (surface and volume models)
  • How to use a 3D modeler (reference planes, sketching dimension, extrusion and revolution functions)
  • Realization of CAD project (modeling, assembly, drawing and quotation)

Areas of ​​using CAD

  • Mechanical

Different software functions in design parameterized the field of mechanics is historically one of the first to in the 1960s, equipped with CAD software. It allows the designer to express and model a lot of constraints (functionalities, materials, assembly capacity, manufacturing, etc.) during the design phase of a mechanical assembly. The corresponding software are used in one or more phases of the development (e.g. product / process specifications, sketches, sizing, kinematic analysis, dynamic analysis, preparation of the manufacture, etc).

  • Electronic

Products also exist for the design of electronic circuits or microprocessors. Design of an electronic circuit presents two difficulties:

  • The first concerning the desired electrical or logical behavior, is certainly the easiest to deal with. We obtain a computer model of the schema built as on a DAO tool. However, each component is affected by a constitutive law, which ultimately provides a virtual model allowing tests of operation.
  • the actual implementation of components on the printed circuit board is a real technical problem; if the simple diagrams easily find a solution, for complex circuits CAD is a great help. The track tracing should sometimes be established on one or more layers.

These computer tools are often called software suite, because their use includes phases independent: the schematic capture of the circuit (the representation model), the simulation (mathematical model), placement of components, and routing (conductive tracks).

Examples of electronic software (component assemblers):

  • Altium Designer
  • Architect Design
  • Eagle
  • Edwin
  • gEDA
  • Hyperlynx
  • Kicad
  • OrCad
  • PCAD
  • Electrical

Design software allows the realization of electrical wiring plans for industry domains, energy distribution, automobile, aerospace, …

The CAD software allows the designer to take overall responsibility for the project using the same tool, (Realization of the plans, links between components and plans, terminal blocks and connectors, nomenclatures, locations components, wiring harnesses, …).

  • Electromagnetism

Examples of electromagnetism software:

  • Flux2D / 3D
  • Flux2D
  • InCa3D
  • FEMM
  • Maxwell
  • Molecular

    • BKChem
    • GChemPaint
    • Ghemical
    • Jmol
    • PyMOL
    • RasMol
  • Furnishing

Spazio3D, from Brain Software

Some brands, such as IKEA, offer a tool to design their furniture, and thus establish a more accurate quote and faster order.

  • Confection

… of clothes (for example Lectra’s Modaris, Gerber Technology’s AccuMark …), a profession that presents the particularity of size management …

  • Orthopedics

CAD software is now replacing plaster in the day-to-day work of the orthopedist-orthotist. The plaster cast of the patient is indeed supplanted by 3D modeling techniques (using for example a camera [13] or a 3D scanner adapted to orthopedics [14]). The resulting 3D shape is then modified by CAD software to design orthopedic equipment adapted to the patient (corset, prosthesis, etc).

  • Other trades

… of gardens and even the spatial visualization of molecules (Rasmol). They then take the acronym of CAD often affix a qualifier (as in CAD Electronics or Molecular CAD), which shows the success of this terminology.

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